Thursday, June 25, 2015

So let me begin with a very brief overview of my life. I am a mother, wife and full time student Occupational Therapy student. The last four years of my life have been very busy. I gave birth to my son in September of 2010, since the day he was born I have been completely consumed with his care. My son has severe food allergies coupled with, horrific eczema, and asthma. To top all of that off at age two he was diagnosed with Childhood Apraxia of Speech, which is a neurological disorder that affects his speech.  We do speech therapy several times a week and the rest of my time is spent running after him and his older sister. Throughout this time I naturally came last. The kids came first and there weren't enough hours in the day to add me into the equation. Two months ago I found out that I have high fasting glucose levels. This is on top of hypothyroidism so, life needed to change, drastically.  With all of my son's food allergies and my own food allergies (lettuce and shellfish) we are limited in what is allowed into the house, this means that eating can be a challenge let alone fixing meals for an entire family of four.  So after a couple of months of trying to make things work on our own my husband and I decided we needed a stricter program. A program that would lay out exactly what we needed to do to get our lives back on track so I don't become a Diabetic.  We decided to go with the 21 Day fix, we like the diet (it gives us enough options and doesn't leave out any food groups). Today is Day One. I successfully made my husband his meals for the day, cooked enough food for an army (grab and go meals work best in our house), and am getting ready to complete the day one exercise program. I am writing this blog to help keep me on track and as a form of accountability in my efforts to get back into shape. So, I have to go and exercise, more to come tomorrow!

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